
Email is my preferred contact method. You may reach me at

If you'd like an encrypted response, you can send me your GPG public key. You can find mine in the GPG Key section. Refer to the Email Self-Defense Guide by the Free Software Foundation if you are unfamiliar with this process.


I do not use keyservers. A key claiming to be mine from a keyserver is definitely a fake.

You can download my GPG public key here: Foster Hangdaan's Public Key. The key's fingerprint should match the one below:

pub   ed25519/E48D7F49A852F112 2023-07-14 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = DBD3 8E38 4B9E 1F4F 19F9 5BAE E48D 7F49 A852 F112
uid                 Foster Hangdaan <>